what is the meaning of life .. hmmm

Posted: January 10, 2012 in my thoughts ..

Don’t ask what is the meaning of life .. Define it .. Celebrate it !!

We are all but travelers on the streets of life. We all follow our own designed paths. Our destinations are rarely the same but the way we get there remarkably tends to be similar. We journey through our lives in search for happiness and satisfaction. Sometimes we find it and many a time we don’t. There are signs and sometimes-even instructions at intersections & crossroads along the way, which few people see and read. Those who do must choose between using them for our on-toward paths; to happiness, successes or destruction.

Our journey of life is a game of give and take. It is the ultimate experience and the greatest thrill ride. It can be comfortable or treacherous, but almost always fulfilling. Those are the moments you sit back and thank whatever deity you pray to for each breath you take. Our greed has taught us to want more than what we are given in the first place. I suppose, then, that greed is not such a deadly sin, after all. If we didn’t want more, we would never have made it out of our cribs. Then, where would we be?

Life has always been about possibilities. They tend to be right under our noses even though we may not always see them. We choose to take advantage of some but not of others. This is so simply so because we do not have enough time to explore all of our options while we’re here. It can also be sometimes so as no matter how closely you follow the map, you end up off course. Then, so much time is spent finding your way back to where you want to be. I think though that we all end up exactly where we are needed.

Choosing the right way to go is not always as easy as it may sound. The map of life is full of trickery and dark passages. It can leave you wandering aimlessly in no man’s land if you take a wrong turn should you lose your way.

Getting lost while on the journey is something that everyone will experience, at one point of life or another. There is a reason for this, my friends, and it is one that I’ve learned the HARD way.

Use your HEART. Like a heart, one’s life requires a certain cadence, with alternating periods of systole and diastole. Like the heart, many times I am filled with periods of gathering restlessness followed by intense activity, and then rest again. What many fail to realize is that the heart is a highly disciplined, performing its task over and over again (Tenacity).

There are lessons to be LEARNED and respect to be EARNED.

Straying off the beaten path can land one in unfamiliar and risky territory. Or is it really just another intersection on our paths of life … Hmmm.

What we will all unravel at the end of our lives .. The Journey is Life Itself  😀

To each his own I guess .. Good journey to all my friends, but don’t forget to live and enjoy it !

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